Genuinely fascinated by how (new) technologies affect the way we see the world and ourselves in it, in 2022 Giulia founded GDG Inspire to provide support to governments in developing future-proof policies in key areas of national security: counterterrorism, the prevention of extremism and the fight against disinformation. With over 7 years consulting experience, she has engaged with a diverse set of public affairs organisations across Europe improving the link between governments’ policy-making and their strategic communication.
Giulia is an active member of the European Expert Network on Terrorism Issues (EENeT), of Women in International Security (WIIS) and of the EMISA (EU-MENA Information Sharing and Analysis) Network (run by European Union Agency for Law Enforcement Training - CEPOL).
Moderated and facilitated several invitation-only expert/working groups meetings and events attended by government representatives, EU Institutions and international organisations, academia, private sector and civil society.
Presented at the Conference on Preventing Violent Radicalisation, organised by the Finnish EU Presidency in September 2019, on future challenges in the prevention of violent extremism.
Confident in public speaking.
Original and engaging presentation skills.