Zeynep Alemdar is full professor of International Relations at Okan University, Istanbul, where she also heads the European Union and Gender Studies Research Centers.
Passionate about women's involvement in foreign policy, she founded the Women in Foreign Policy Initiative ( http://wfp14.com/ ) in Istanbul that encourages and promotes women's participation in foreign policy mechanisms and raises awareness about the UNSCR 1325 in Turkey ( http://bm1325eylemplani.org/ )
Currently interested in critical security studies and feminist foreign policy, she published on human rights and democratization issues in Turkey, role of civil society, women’s movements and international organizations. She serves on the editorial boards of the International Studies Perspectives and Turkish Policy Quarterly.
She has her BA in economics from Galatasaray University, MA from Patterson School of Diplomacy, Ph.D. from University of Kentucky, and she was a visiting professor at the Center for Turkish Studies and the Mark O. Hatfield School of Government at Portland State University. She was a Hurford Fellow of the Euro-Atlantic Security Initiative at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, now a member of the Younger Generation Leaders Network within the European Leadership Network.