I joined the ETUI as a Senior Researcher in November 2010 and became head of its European economic, employment and social policies unit in February 2018.
I have been studying macroeconomic policies and the economic and social governance in the EU, in particular the effects of the crisis responses and fiscal austerity on macroeconomic and labour market performance and on labour market and social policies. I am a member of the Advisory Committee of the Social policies unit of the Eurofound in Dublin and I have been regularly acting as an external expert for the EESC on opinions concerning economic policies in the Euro area.
Following an MSc in Economics, I earned my PhD in European Political Economy from the London School of Economics with a thesis on the interactions of macroeconomic policies and labour market institutions in shaping unemployment in Europe. Prior to joining the ETUI, I worked as economic policy analyst at the European Policy Centre in Brussels, a researcher for the Knowledge Economy programme of the Work Foundation in London and as an Associate Fellow for the European programme of Chatham House. Between 2006 and 2008, I was a research fellow at Trinity College Dublin, working on a project on the political economy of globalisation, de-industrialisation and the rise of the service sector. I spent several years teaching Economics of the EU and public policy at the London School of Economics, King's College London, Birkbeck College and the University of Athens.
I have participated in numerous conferences and workshops, academic and policy related, in Brussels and abroad both as a speaker and as a moderator. I have published blog posts and op-eds in Social Europe Journal, the LSE EUROPP blog and Euractiv. I have been quoted by Bloomberg and the Dutch Had Financiele Dagblaad and made appearances on Slovenian TV and on the Belgian and German radios.