I have been writing about European energy markets since 1999, and EU energy policy since 2004. I make EU energy policy accessible through my articles, blogs, videos, podcasts, and by moderating debates at physical and online events.
I specialise in moderating EU energy policy debates, from high-level events with CEOs, ministers, MEPs, senior European Commission officials and regulators, to more technical panels.
I focus on keeping it interesting for the audience, having sat through hundreds of such debates in the audience myself.
I also keep speakers on topic and on time.
My moderating experience includes events organised by: Adam Smith Institute, Bruegel, CEDEC, Council of European Energy Regulators (CEER), Entso-e, Entsog, EUFORES, Eurelectric, European Commission, ETCSEE, Friends of Europe, Gas Infrastructure Europe, Global Alliance Powerfuels, Guidehouse/German energy ministry, S & P Global Platts.
I have experience of both physical and online events, with audiences ranging from less than 20 to more than 400.
See some examples in the links below.
I have also been interviewed by the BBC, Russian TV, Latvian TV, American radio, and mainstream press.