Dr. Simone Burel is the founder and CEO of LUB GmbH – Linguistische Unternehmensberatung, Mannheim. She founded the linguistic consultancy on the basis of her dissertation about language in DAX-30 companies. In contrast to conventional consultancies, LUB equally analyses numbers, language, and texts, because, contrary to popular belief, business data consist of 80% of words. On the basis of these data, LUB develops another way of thinking which leads to authentic working strategies and implementation measures.
Being a one-woman-company in the beginning, Dr. Simone Burel’s company has now evolved to a ten-person expert team. They counsel DAX-companies, cities, and educational organizations when it comes to questions related to corporate social responsibility, sustainability, human resources, gender, AI, New Work, digitalization, and communication. Since 2018 she and her team have also been promoting female empowerment with their sub-brand dr.fem.FATALE, the market leader in Gender & Diversity Consulting in Germany.
Several prices have been awarded to Dr. Simone Burel and the work of LUB, e.g. the award for new business of the city of Mannheim (MEXI) in 2018, the academics Top-Ten-Newcomer-Scientist-award in 2017 and the prize for Job Communication awarded by the German Society of applied linguistics in 2017.
Dr. Simone Burel has a long experience in moderating keynotes, panel events and workshops. She has done so for DAX-companies as well as for founding centres and universities. Her conferences have a focus on founding (as a woman), gender & diversity, female empowerment, and AI in linguistics. In addition to this she has also been a moderator and speaker at several webinars on personal and career development. Dr. Simone Burel has been portrayed multiple times by german newspapers and media such as SWR, WDR, FAZ etc.
If you are interested in more, you can find her upcoming talks here: https://www.lub-mannheim.de/termine/