A professional active in the NGO sector since 2006.Passionate about political, social and cultural changes in divers societies. Coordinating international projects on the topics such as: youth work, migrant integration, European citizenship, Human Rights education, social inclusion, inclusive government and so on.
Representing Romania during the EU Youth Conference of the Trio Presidency in Amsterdam April, 2016
Panel speaker at international conference “Local and Regional Partners, Contributing to Europe 2020 - Multi-level governance in support of Europe 2020”
Panel speaker at international conference "Rethinking EU Immigration: legal developments, management and practices", presenting an academic paper on Policy impacts on migration
Rapporteur at the 10th edition of the European Integration Forum, organized by the European Economic and Social Committee
Panel speaker at the transnational seminar “Making industrial relation work for decent work” organized by the international network SOLIDAR,
Panel speaker at the workshop “The economic crisis and its impact on the future of young people” during Youth Employment - A Call For Change” Conference 13 – 14 December 2011, OECD Conference Centre, Paris.
Participating in the Civil Society Forum, Strasbourg, 13 – 14 November 2011, event organized by the Council of Europe. Participating as an expert in the working group of creating a ToolKit for conducting intercultural dialogue
Panel speaker at the Jilted Generation” workshop – organised by Consortium ‘Local Urban Development European Network’ (LUDEN) during the OPEN DAY EVENT European Week of Regions and Cities – Bruselles