Marita Lintener gained a proven track record having worked in aviation and transport industry for almost 30 years. After graduation at the University of Bonn, she started her carrier in 1989 at Deutsche Lufthansa AG where she worked in a variety of roles and management positions in marketing, product management, sales and strategies, from 2000-2004 at Thomas Cook AG as Head of Sales Strategies. Since 2004 Marita has been active as Executive Consultant and external manager in various complex programms in European transport sector, amongst others also in projects in collaboration with the European Commission, European Space Agency and European Defence Agency on drone integration ( ).
Most recently she was engaged for Deutsche Lufthansa in the European SESAR project, in this context she was part of the creation and evolution of the A4 airline group from its beginning in 2012 and in a leading role in the bid team for the creation of the SESAR Deployment Manager (SDM). Since 2013 until today Marita is the chairwoman of the A4 airlines strategy group. From SDMs start in 2015, mandated by the European Commission, she supported the SDM as Inhouse-Consultant, in 2015 as Liaison Officer Civil Airspace Users and since 2016 in responsibility for the EU – US cooperation on ATM modernization in the capacity as Senior International Relations Officer.
Having worked with all aviation stakeholders, she holds an outstanding expertise in the aviation market, the transport sector, the Single European Sky regulatory framework and on the challenges, risks and opportunities for transport and mobility with respect to automation, digitalization and AI.
Marita Lintener holds a master degree in Economics of the University of Bonn, is a certified business coach and certified mediator and a regular lecturer for project management at the DHBW University Mannheim. In 2019 Marita concluded the Oxford Advanced Leadership Programm (OAMLP) of Oxford University Said Business School.