Lisa Musiol (née Klingenberg) is a Senior Analyst for EU Research and Advocacy in the independent organization International Crisis Group. She analyzes EU foreign policy in the areas of conflict prevention, peace-building and crisis management. She liaises with EU and member state officials in Brussels to provide Crisis Group's field-based analysis and policy recommendations.
Before Crisis Group, Lisa worked with Human Rights Watch in Brussels, the EU Delegation in Tunisia and the Open Society European Policy Institute in Brussels. She has worked on human rights, democracy support, international development and migration. She also has expertise in counter-terrorism and human rights, and specifically in European policies on armed drones and targeted killings.
Lisa holds a Master Degree in Conflict and Development Studies from the University of Sciences Po Lille. She also holds a Franco-German Bachelor Degree in International and European Governance from the University of Sciences Po Lille and the University of Münster.
Podcast War and Peace: Episode 11 "A 2020 Peace Agenda for the EU"
PeaceLab Podcast "Peace by Peace": "Welche Auswirkungen hat COVID-19 auf Konflikte?"
Moderation of Panel Discussions/Roundtables