Founder of Democracy 4.0
International relations professional, social entrepreneur, poet, politician
Kader Sevinç is an honors graduate from and completed Jean Monnet European Integration Program (2005) in the Akdeniz University Antalya Turkey, pursued “business communication” training at the Harvard University and obtained her MA in International Relations from CERIS/Paris XI University with “grande distinction” (Thesis: Theories of International Negotiation, European Union’s Enlargement and the Turkish Case”).
She is currently:
► advocate and founder of the Smart Democracy & Smart Citizenship or Democracy 4.0 workshops, a model for democracy, politics and citizenship in the 21st century : democracy4point0.me
► Recognized by the Diplomatic Courier magazine and the YPFP in Washington DC among the most influential young foreign policy leaders in the world. First person from Brussels EU bubble t
► elected member of the second largest European political party Party of European socialists & democrats – PES Presidency Council
► member of the ‘Progressive Alliance’ Steering Committee
► the EU representative in Brussels of the CHP, Turkish social democratic and main opposition party
► Recognized by the Diplomatic Courier magazine and the YPFP in Washington DC among the most influential young foreign policy leaders in the world.
► a non-resident Transatlantic fellow of the SAIS (Johns Hopkins University – Washington DC), fellow of New York University (2017)
► founder and manager of the Brussels-based cultural diplomacy platform, the Turkish Coffee Briefings
► leader of the educational initiative, the Sinif-1B
► poet, member of the Brussels Poetry Collective of Passaporta and Siirden poetry magazine’s editorial board. Sevinc's poetry album : https://itunes.apple.com/bw/album/river-long-loneliness-ep/1298408324
More: https://kadersevinc.blogactiv.eu/about/
Kader Sevinç is a regular commentator on future of Europe, smart democracy, transatlantic relations, EU enlargement and renovation of politics in international and Turkish media such as BBC, Euronews, European Parliament TV, Deutche Welle, Belgian VTR, L’Echo, International Herald Tribune – Dünya, CNNTurk, Halk TV, Habertürk TV. She has written commentaries and columns for Yurt, Dünya, Radikal and Hürriyet dailies and made live daily EU news comments to “Business Channel” television.