I am Heading the Fraud Prevention Operations and Services at BICS, a telecommunications wholesale carrier with headquarters in Brussels.
With more than 15 years of experience in the Mobile and Wholesale Telecom industry, I have held different positions in the Wholesale Carrier Business that allow me to understand the various aspects of the business as well as its challenges and more specifically regarding fraud risks for the different industry verticals MNO, MVNx, OTT, IOT, Enterprise, CPAAS/UCAAS, Cloud Communications and Wholesale.
I actively participate in defining Industry guidelines regarding fraud protection and I also chair the i3 Forum Fraud Group, a non-profit organization focused on supporting telecom carrier business transformation with a strong focus on fraud fighting. The i3 Forum brings together the communications expertise of the major telecommunications providers, representing an extensive fixed and mobile retail base totaling over two billion customers in over 100 countries.
I regularly speak and participate to panels in events related to the telecommunications industry globally.