'Iliada Evangelia Kothra is the founder of the global platform www.living-postcards a project started in 2012, at a time of deep economic and political crisis, out of the need to change the world's perspective of Greece.
She has published many articles about Greek creativity in big sites and magazines. She is invited to speak at many entrepreneurship and tourism conferences.
She is the founder of the #dontacceptit campaign against domestic violence and speaks often about this cause in many conferences and networking events.
She has published two books.'
Speeches/ Presentations
Panorama Epixirimatikotitas- Megaro Mousikis March 2016 ‘’Greek crisis today’’
Panorama Epixirimatikotitas -Megaro Mousikis April 2017- The new business challenges’’
PANSIK School of Fashion - 2017-2018-2019 ‘’Our digital image’’ Meet your Future College- ‘’Define your destination’’
The 50/50 Project NPO - ‘’Going forward in the middle of crisis’’ TEDx Crete November 2018 - ‘’Showing Up’’
ALPHA TV -‘’The influencers of today’’
ALBA Graduate Business School -‘’Empowerment through financial crisis’’
Vodaphone -‘’ Branding in the digital world’’
Digital Influencers in Action - Serious social problems in the digital world of influencing’’ - June 2019 Montenegro - Hosted by State Department of USA
Fashion Retail Organization- Cyprus ‘’The fashion today’’.