Policy Adviser with Independent Diplomat, a diplomatic advisory group that provides strategic advice to smaller and marginalised democratic groups, to help them achieve their goals through diplomacy. Working with the EU institutions, Member States and civil society on important issues for our partners across Independent Diplomat’s geographic and thematic work, including promoting women’s meaningful participation in conflict resolution and peacebuilding processes.
Previously worked in the European Commission's Emergency Response Coordination Centre (ERCC) on emergency management and humanitarian aid (DG ECHO), health (DG SANTE) and EU enlargement (DG NEAR) policy. Background in diplomacy and multilateral security cooperation, having represented Ireland and the EU at the Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) in Vienna and managed field operations for the OSCE Special Monitoring Mission in Ukraine. Additional expertise in international criminal justice, gender and human rights issues, having worked for the International Criminal Court and a number of NGOs.
MA in International Relations from Dublin City University with a research focus on accountability for human rights violations committed by international organisations.
Trained female Malian peacebuilders on media, communications and interview fundamentals.
Briefed Council Working Parties and high level groups on the EU emergency response via the Emergency Response Coordination Centre (ERCC)
Spoke on behalf of the Irish Department of Foreign Affairs at various OSCE conferences.
Participated in documentary financed by the Belgian DGD for Cooperation on advancing the Millennium Development Goals in the African Great Lakes region (DRC, Rwanda, Burundi).