Master of Law (2001) and Postgrad in the EU Affairs (2003).
Legal expert at the Ministry of Economy in Poland (2001-2004) dealing with internal market policy and harmonisation of the national legislation to the EU acquis during the accession to the EU. Joined the European Commission in 2004, first as a legal expert in DG Enterprise (2004-2006) dealing with cases of EU law infringements. Then an international trade negotiator in DG Trade (2007-2016) dealing with WTO-GATS matters, services, negotiating and/or implementing free trade agreements with Central America, Kazakhstan, Chile, Canada and Malaysia and adjusting all agreements after Croatia's accession to the EU. Since 2017 an aviation agreements' negotiator and legal and policy officer in DG Mobility and Transport.
Privately, founder of an educational association for kids in Brussels (taka to IDEA asbl) in deep belief that an education is key to peace, world understating, recognition for law and ethics.