Alessandra has an international multidisciplinary background with a focus on EU affairs, holding a joint Master’s degree in European studies at the University of Bath and Sciences Po Paris. She has solid and successful experience in project management, business development and communication, having worked for the European Commission, as well as European and American not-for-profit organisations in Brussels and Berlin. She believes in the power of network, community, constructive criticism and cooperation. Alessandra speaks Italian, English and French fluently.
I am an experienced public speaker, having represented my current and previous employers (e.g., think tanks, NGOs, European Commission) at several external events with experts, civil servants, policymakers, journalists and general audiences (e.g., citizens, students, young professionals).
I am also an experienced facilitator of small, medium, and large group discussions (e.g., the Conference on the Future of Europe and focus groups).
My areas of interest and expertise are:
-EU affairs, especially regional, democracy, youth & civic education policies
-Multi-stakeholder engagement, especially citizens & civil society
-Functioning of the Eurobubble, role of private and public sectors
-Business development & fundraising
-Mentoring young students or professionals on EU-related career tips