Alazne Irigoien is a Ph.D. candidate at the University of the Basque Country. After graduating in Law and Political Science at the Autonomous University of Madrid, she has worked in Human Rights organisations and social enterprises focused on gender equality and women empowerment. She found her passion for feminism and gender equality working for the United Nations (UN) in Switzerland as a legal consultant, where she contributed to the work of CEDAW, the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women through OHCHR, the UN’s principal body on Human Rights.
Currently, her Ph.D. research focuses on gender stereotyping in corporate decision-making and its impact on women’s rights. She has been working with G5+, the first European Feminist Think Tank, on its parity democracy campaign and has authored the report “European Parliament’s elections 2019: towards parity democracy in Europe”, which can be consulted at the links in this profile
- 2 November 2018 Speaker at conference: "Women in EU politics" G5+, City of Athens and the European Commission- Athens, Greece
- 10 September 2017 Lecturer, “Women's rights at the UN, CEDAW” European Women's Lobby- AGORA
- 9 May 2016 Lecturer, “National Human Rights Institutions and OHCHR” OHCHR Geneva