We want to see more women. On every panel, at every event, in every workshop, at every festival, in every team, on every level – everywhere!

Frauendomäne – a database of female experts is accessible and free to use for everyone. There, women can list their specialisations and competencies and our database system enables organisers to design their panels, seminars and discussions in a gender-balanced and diverse way.

We are convinced that there are highly competent women in every area of specialization However, women tend to be less recognised, especially when their field is heavily male dominated. With the Frauendomäne database we want to encourage women to showcase their professional skills and to get involved as speakers and experts, so that women’s voices in all fields will grow louder. Additionally, we want to nudge organisers and decision-makers to increasingly include women in their planning.

The organization Frauendomäne was founded in 2018 by Sophie Rendl and Hannah Zach and the database is available since fall of 2019. The database is open for women* of all sectors and fields – regardless of an academic or nonacademic backround. In the meanwhile we have over 700 registered female experts, many cooperations with companies and public entities and are happy about a constant and very positive media coverage.

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