As the new events season in Brussels begins, the Brussels Binder makes an appeal on Euractiv to think more creatively and out of the box when it comes to speakers, audience and what to do with the event outcomes. Never underestimate the influence of a Brussels conference organiser
News and Updates
The European Commission wants to hear about us!
The Brussels Binder was invited by the European Commission to write an article for the DG CONNECT blog page in order to explain why now, more than ever, we need to increase female/male ratio at event panels. “Focusing solely on Brussels, in two-thirds of debates the majority of speakers are […]
Support The Brussels Binder, we still need to grow!
If you did not have a chance to donate to our crowdfunding campaign, do not worry! You can still support the Binder by making a transfer to our bank account: IBAN: BE08 3631 6712 8313, BIC: BBRUBEBB, Bank: ING Do not forget to include your name, first name and email address […]
The Brussels Binder’s launch deserves a celebration!
Thank you for the amazing support we received during the online crowdfunding campaign and the fundraising event at Google! We are now preparing the celebration of the launch of The Brussels Binder website together! The event will also be an opportunity to invite female experts to register in The Brussels […]
We Support Gender Equality and Diversity in Tech
The future is digital and women cannot be left out Did you know that more than 60% of positions in tech and sciences in Europe are held by men? Even though efforts are made to engage women in those fields, a gender gap still exists. We’re shifting to a digitalised […]
Help Us Find a Venue for the Launch of the Binder
We are looking for a venue for the launch event in early November – reach out if you or someone you know want to get involved! The event will gather around 400 participants from the Brussels policy community and crown our fundraising campaign. Get in touch with us as […]