Call for Graphic Designers

General Information & Purpose of Tender

The Brussels Binder (BB) is a database of women experts and the go-to resource to improve gender balance in policy discussions. Building upon the experience of this women-led initiative, the BBBeyond (BBB) project – a pan-European network of women expert databases, think-tanks and like-minded organisations – not only raises awareness of the issue of underrepresentation of women in media and public debates, but aims to create a synergy and collaborative space to promote women’s visibility.

The purpose of this tender is to select a designer/agency to provide services in the fields of graphic design for the BBB project by building upon the existing visual identity and enriching it. This includes:

BBB toolkits – a series of topics that aim to promote women’s visibility in public debates (connecting network, innovating convening, building demand from journalists, etc.) – see requirements below:

  • Toolkits must fit into a standard flyer (recto verso);
  • Each toolkit can be individual in terms of colour and graphics used but they must be uniform in style and theme (e.g. look like a collection);
  • Designs must provide space for the BBBeyond logo, European Commission logo and leave a space for those who contributed to the toolkit.

Other manuals and publications over the duration of the project (e.g. How to build a database showcasing the story of The Brussels Binder).

You can find an example of a previous BB toolkit as well as some visuals created by the BBB community here (which we would like incorporated into the design).

We offer hourly/weekly paid engagement for the selected candidate to design ‘templates’ for the above-mentioned collections, as well as to design each of the individual documents on an as needed basis, until April 2021.

Participation in Tendering Procedure

The key dates of this call for tender are the following:

  1. Deadline to receive submitted offer in writing via email: 13 January 2020
  2. Meetings/phone calls to discuss offers: 20-22 January 2020
  3. Tender selection at the latest: 27 January 2020
  4. Start of contract: 1 February 2020

The offer must contain the hourly rate cost (VAT included). BB reserves the right to conduct the tender process and select the successful tender. BB is not bound contractually or in any way to a bidder to this request for tender until BB and the successful winner have entered into a written contract.

Qualitative Criteria (QC) for Tender Evaluation

  • QC1: Competitive price offer
  • QC2: Submission of examples of prior work
  • QC3: Affinity to cause and mission to BB and BBB

We welcome you to submit your proposal and offer to by 13 January 2020.